ANG 0.7 Installation Tutorial
Welcome to AN Guestbook (ANG) 0.7 installation tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install ANG easly
After uploading the ANG files and creating a database, go to the installation script URL (0)
You can easly change the installation language by clicking on the appropriate flag (1)
First you must choose the installation method (2)
If you have already an old version of ANG installed and you are willing to upgrade it, then choose the correct upgrade version
If you are installing a fresh version of ANG, then choose new installation
The installation script is divided into two parts
Database information (3) and Administrator information (9)
In the first part, you will need to write the database related information, so ANG will create the database tables
Most informations in this part are technical, and you must ask your host provider for details if you don't have them already
In the second part, you will choose a super administrator name, a password and the email
The database host server (4) is the adress of the database server
The database name (5) is the name of the database which you are willing to install ANG to
The username (6) is the username needed to access the database
The password (7) is the password for that username
The table prefix (8) is a prefix which will be automaticly added to all the tables that ANG will create
You can keep this field empty, but it is recommended to write something or keep the default value
This prefix is useful if you are going to install several ANG guestbooks using one database
In this case, you only need to change the table prefix for each installation
Note that each guestbook need to have seperate guestbook folder and files
The super administrator username (10), is the username of the super administrator
The super administrator have more priviliges then the normal administrators
For example, the super administrator can create, delete admins, or can change their passwords
The password (11) is the password for the super administrator
Choose it carefully, and do not give it to anyone else
A graphic rectangle (12) helps you determine if your password is weak, medium or strong
A good password would be at least medium
The retype password (13), is where you retype the same password you wrote before
This helps ANG verify that you are sure of the password and didn't make a mistake while typing
Two correct signs (14) are shown if everything went ok
If not, retype the password exactly the same in the two fields and try again
The administrator email (15), is the email of the guestbook
It is important to write a valid email, as it will be the email which ANG will send a new password if you forgot the super administrator password
When you finish everything, click on next (16)
ANG will proceed to the creation of the database tables, the super administrator account and will extract the flags in the flag folder
If everything goes correctly, you will see five correct signs
Remember to delete the installation folder to prevent anyone else from reinstalling the guestbook again
You can click the administrator center link to go directly to the administrator center, or you can click the finish link to go to your newly installed guestbook
Your guestbook will not be functionnal until you delete the installation folder
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