Adding a new language to your guestbook

To add a new language to your guestbook, first you need the new language files.
There are 3 different language files :

  • Front-end guestbook language
  • Administrator center language
  • Installation language

You have 2 methods to add a new language, a manual one using your FTP client, and an automatic one using the upload center in your guestbook.

Using the upload center

Go to your upload center.
Select the language file from your pc.
If it is a front-end file, choose "Guestbook language".
If it is an adminsitrator center file, choose "Administrator center language".
Click upload.. and you're done!

Go to the guestbook options and choose your new language.

Using FTP

Navigate using your FTP client to /languages/.
Select the front-end language file from your pc, and upload it there.
If it is an adminsitrator center language file, upload it to /administrator/languages/.
Voila, you're done.

Go to the guestbook options and choose your new language.